The project
Training a new generation of workers
GenL was created as a board game in 2019 to launch the orientation activity Let's Work for Legality and enable younger people to play an active role. In 2021 the board game was integrated with an online version, later turning into a video game in 2022. The 2023 edition takes on an European character more and more by opening the competition to all EU member countries and launching the GenL –Europe Edition initiative.

For young people
Generation L
Not surprisingly, the choice of the name!))
where by among the generations commonly referred to as Gen X, Gen Y and Gen Z, the aim is to form a new generation of honest, free and European professionals.
2019 – Nasce GenL
Lancio attività orientamento "Lavoriamo per la legalità"
2021 – Gioco online
La versione cartacea ottiene un upgrade
2022 – Videogame
GenL diventa un videogioco platform in 2d
2023 – European edition
GenL sbarca in Europa e si internazionalizza
Workers' rights and duties
Create a bridge(( between students and the world of work
Let's work for Legality is an orientation project created in 2019 by the National Council of the Italian Labour Consultants’ Order and its Studies Foundation, in collaboration with the Provincial Councils of the Order. Designed to build a bridge between students and the world of work and, at the same time, draw attention to the importance of the fight against corruption and organised crime.
Labour consultants
Promoters of values of legality e honesty
Strengthened by their role as primary promoters in the management of employment and the whole labour field, labour Consultants want to promote values of legality and honesty to permeate professions and businesses, with positive consequences for society as a whole. How? Through interactive workshops for students and with the activity provided by the GenL video game.
Interactive workshops
Seminar and video game((: the two phases of the workshop
The workshops are organised free of charge for the institutes in cooperation with the Provincial Councils of the Italian Labour Consultants’ Order active throughout the country.
PCTO Credits
Meetings can be organised all over the year, both as individual seminars or as work-related learning programme (PCTO) .
The project was created to be adapted to the needs of Institutes, being able to be developed both in-person and remotely.
Final year high school students and university students of economics, law and related faculties.
None. The school is only required to provide a classroom and the necessary computer equipment.
Seminar phase
The seminar and the book
Convegno con gli interventi di un consulente del lavoro ed altre figure professionali dedite al mondo della legalità durante il quale gli studenti vengono preparati alle sfide del videogioco. Parte integrante del progetto è il libro “Sui sedili posteriori. La nuova libertà di Antonino Bartuccio” distribuito gratuitamente a tutti i partecipanti ai workshop.
Interactive phase
The videogame((!!))
The video game can be played either in class in the interactive phase following the seminar or individually at home. In fact, by playing in several stages but from the same device, players are recognised by the system and are able to restart from the last completed mission. It is also possible to download the game to your device's homepage so that you can access it directly.
Le sette missioni
Impara giocando e vola a Bruxelles
Suddiviso in 7 missioni, permette ai giocatori di affrontare diverse sfide per il contrasto della criminalità nel mondo del lavoro. In palio un’esperienza nelle istituzioni a Bruxelles (e l’accesso all’edizione europea di GenL) e buoni Amazon!
Mission Dignity
Tackling undeclared work and exploitation
Mission Ethics
Fairness, regularity and anti-corruption in business
Mission Transparency
The solution to prevent corruption
Mission Honesty
Opening a new business according to the rules

Mission Freedom
Professions that do something in the name of legality
Labour Consultant Mission
Discovering the Labour Consultant
Mission Legal Europe
The active resources deployed by the European Union
European Edition
A bridge between the students and theEurope
To involve other countries, allows to generate a pool of European students/players is created,. Indeed, the game identifies a winner for each country who, accesses the European edition to share his idea in a real plenary simulation. By taking place in Brussels, the European plenary which takes place in Brussels, serves to outline, discuss and vote on the best idea among those presented by students from all over Europe.
University & Career Fair for students
Raising awareness of the most young people on the issue of ethical work
From October to May of each year, thanks to the collaboration with Campus Orienta, the category saw the participation of the Young Labor Consultants Association in the numerous local University and Career Fairs for Student from the south to the north of the country. In addition to these events, a Job Week is dedicated to career opportunities, in its spring and autumn versions.
Students reached
Questionario GenL
How familiar are you with the World of Ethical Work((!))?
Aiutaci a valutare la tua comprensione della legalità nel mondo del lavoro. Rispondi alle domande del questionario e condividi il tuo punto di vista. La tua opinione per noi è importante!
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per il tuo Istituto
Would you like to propose this activity in your institute?
Contact the Provincial Council nearest you or fill out the form for more information.